Deck Theory and Where to Start

WhiteizRightLol avatarWhiteizRightLol 13 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi there people,\n\n\nI've ran into a card my friend has used and it's bringing ideas to me and inspiring a new train of thought. Currently there are so many ideas I don't know where to go or search for them.\n\n[[Sméagol, Helpful Guide]] is the card I'm talking about. To be clear, I'm not looking for things exactly like him or am I planning on using his unless that's where this takes me.\n\nI want to make a deck that uses some high Mana counting cards and a decent amount of them. While the main purpose is stealing opponents lands or benefiting from them in some way. The easiest way to do this would be colorless cards that way I'm not worried about what color my opponent(s) may be using. Though I'm not looking for land hate if that's what you think. I love land so much... I want your's too.\n\nIf I have read the rules correctly, and I am 100% unsure (The rule language is confusing me this time)... I can have a colorless commander but still run any color in my deck as long as I cast cards that have some other colorless Mana requirement. Like not [[Elvish Mystic]] but I can play [[Abzan Falconer]]. If this is true, I can run the best color that helps with my strategy in colorless cards.\n\nI'm sorry if this is confusing, I'm confused and exited while writing this.\n\nThank you\n"}]}
DynamoDan avatarDynamoDan 13 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hey!\n\nSmeagol is a neat card to be sure. I've seen some pretty strong stuff with it, and all those additional lands can certainly lead to some fun big mana shenanigans. \n\nIf I had to recommend any possible archetypes, Kicker, Escalate, and other additional cost keywords may be a good way to best make use of \"your lands are mine\" effects, as they are an easy outlet for additional mana, but can still be functional without actually using the kicker. \n\nAs for how to achieve a \"what's yours is mine\" deck without specifically running Smeagol, you may find yourself leaning towards some kind of blue-green coloured deck, with cards like Agent Of Treachery being standouts in blue. Flickering that over and over, and stealing an opponent's entire board, is pretty effective after all. This is also something that has been done a fair few times, so you should be able to find some lists to either guide, or inspire you even more to the possibilities. \n\nSpecifically on the lands front, I think doing something like an Awaken the Woods and then Shifting Borders would be pretty funny. \nThe best part is, because Shifting Borders is an instant, you can awaken the woods on your turn, then on your opponent's upkeep, you can exchange your dyads for their lands; your dryads will still have summoning sickness, making them 2 mana short for the turn. Additionally. because the dryads are 1/1s, effects like Elesh Norn and Toxril will mean that you can not only go +2 mana, but also reduce their land count. \n\nYou may also find some pontential for silliness with Rootpath Purifier, but I wouldn't know in the slightest where to begin with that. \nMy final recommendation would be looking at effects like Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and Kormus Bell, to potentially gain control of their lands (using creature effects) to then cast their spells. \n\nIn an adjacent but not totally the same vein, effects like Etali, Primeval Conqueror, and Wand of Wonder can be lots of fun, as it's another \"What's yours is mine\" effect, but doesn't steal people's board states, and so feels a little less bad. \n\nHopefully this gives you an idea of how you wanna go about what you wanna build, and have fun with it!\n\n(p.s, I didn't address the colour ID rules because John got it in one. To give you a bit more of an idea though, Ramos, Dragon Engine for instance, is a 5 colour commander, where as Graaz, Unstoppable Juggernaut is colourless. Another example, Esika, God of the Tree is a 5 colour commander, and Shaile, Dean of Radiance is an Orzhov Commander.)\n"}]}
John_Sherwood avatarJohn_Sherwood 13 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"\"A card’s "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"color identity"},{"insert":" is its color plus the color of any mana symbols in the card’s rules text. A card’s color identity is established before the game begins, and cannot be changed by game effects. The cards in a deck may not have any colors in their color identity which are not in the color identity of the deck’s commander.\"\n\nThis means the cards in your deck are allowed to have color mana pips that match the colored mana pips on your commander. Any Commander deck is allowed to use cards with colorless identity like "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Sol Ring"}},{"insert":". In contrast. "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Bosh, Iron Golem"}},{"insert":" is a colorless card, but its color identity for the purpose of Commander is red because of the red mana symbol in the rules text. If you play a commander with colorless identity, then you are not allowed to play cards with any color pips in the mana cost or rules text. So a card like the "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Abzan Falconer"}},{"insert":" you mentioned can only be played in Commander deck if the color identity of the commander includes white.\n\n"}]}
Edited 1/1/2024, 7:18:26 PM
Tuckerbarry avatarTuckerbarry 8 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"That's fantastic! It sounds like you've stumbled upon a goldmine of inspiration. Embrace the overflow of ideas and let your creativity run wild. Sometimes, the best ideas come from unexpected places, like a card from a friend. Take a moment to jot down all your thoughts and explore each one. Remember, there's no right or wrong direction to take. Trust your instincts and follow where your passion leads you. And if you ever need a helping hand in organizing your thoughts or expanding on your ideas, you can check out helpful resources at "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":". Keep shining bright with your creativity!\n"}]}
Digins avatarDigins 6 months
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