Help understanding this Darien deck.

{"ops":[{"insert":"I'm pretty new to the Magic community. About 1-2 years into it. My uncle gave me one of his spare decks he hasn't been using for a couple years. His description is that \"if you make the deck right, it kind of works like Inflation... I don't understand it but maybe you will.\" \n\nIf you guys can help me get a decent jump into what I should put in this and what I should take out, I would greatly appreciate it. \n\n\n"}]}
DynamoDan avatarDynamoDan 9 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Just to get a bit of a grasp on it, I have a couple of questions. it appears you have a full deck list. Is this the current paper list? Or are they your thoughts on how to build it? \nAnd do you have an idea of when your uncle was playing magic?\n\nThese will kind of help inform the advice a bit\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"What is in here, I have in person. I took a small amount of advice from YouTube and I got \nMyrel, Shield of Argive\nArchetype of Courage\nAnointed Procession\nOther than that, I took out a double and a couple cards that don't fit the theme too much (I will list the ones I remember):\nHoly Mantle\nSentinel of the eternal watch\nMilitia Bugler\nSiege Striker\nDusk/Dawn\nBushi Tenderfoot/Kenzo the Hardhearted\n\nI want to say it was 3+ years ago at least. I talked to him some more recently and he said that token decks kind of just throws out token after token after token and it makes them bigger. That it's supposed to be decently fast and the concept is to overwhelm the other people. I guess it wasn't doing exactly like that description so he gave up. This is why I added both Myrel and Anointed because they might double your creatures. Archetype of Courage was to help with the handling other creatures better but I'm still unsure about it.\n\nIf you have more questions let me know. I will try to answer if I can. Thank you.\n"}]}