lozhan - dragon/adventure

{"ops":[{"insert":"For some reason my deck is not starting its engine, and I'm tired. Could anyone help me? heres the link: https://archidekt.com/decks/6127021/lozhan\n"}]}
DynamoDan avatarDynamoDan 9 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi Alpha,\n\nLooking at the list, it seems like a decent balance between interaction and value, but I think the approach you've taken to the deck is likely where it's fallen down a bit.\nI personally would encourage leaning a little more into adventures, and some more utility dragons rather than big hits. Additionally, I would put in a few equipment that give Lozhan keywords such as Lifelink, Deathtouch, Wither, and if you wanna be really gross, Infect. Reason being that, because Lozhan is the one dealing the damage, their keywords will be applied to whatever damage is dealt; a 1 cost adventure now becomes a kill on anything without indestructible if you have deathtouch, or a -1/-1 if you have wither. \nSome artifacts that do this are Blight Sickle for wither, and Basilisk Collar for Lifelink+deathtouch. you'll also want Swiftfoot boots, as permanent protection is better than having to hold up counter magic if you want Lozhan to live more than 2 turns.\n\nFor what dragons and adventures to add and cut, I couldn't totally say. I can say you could get some decent draw going if you had an Archmage Emeritus in there, and if you end up putting in some more ramp, or some pricier adventures, and Jin Gitaxias (the saga one) would be good card draw too. I think that at this point, bar more ramp so you can make some better use of your commander, any cuts and changes would also just be a matter of opinion and preference.\n\nI hope the suggestions got some ideas flowing though, and happy brewing! \n"}]}
JasterGhent avatarJasterGhent 9 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"This mostly looks like, RedBlue DragonAdventure Goodstuff.\nDo you have an Endgoal besides Burn them out?\nI see a Shock which is cheap but underpowered.\nYou have a Wrathful Red Dragon, if you have a Blasphemous Act, you could try to wholesale burn your dragons when you have about 6 and kill several players unless countered or prevented.\nIf you want to go for an Engine then you might need more bounce I think, as it lets you cast more adventurous dragons.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"okay, thank you!\n"}]}
John_Sherwood avatarJohn_Sherwood 9 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Most decks struggle to start when they don't:\nProduce mana on curve"},{"attributes":{"list":"ordered"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Have a critical mass of cards to do the thing"},{"attributes":{"list":"ordered"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nI think your deck is light on lands, and heavy on non-adventure creatures with high mana value. I would cut Archive Dragon, Fury, Hellkite Igniter, Rapacious Dragon, Red Dragon and Sailors' Bane. Then I would replace these with a couple more lands, a couple draw spells, another mana rock and "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Lucky Clover"}},{"insert":" .\n"}]}
Edited 12/13/2023, 9:12:43 PM
{"ops":[{"insert":"Ok I updated it what do you think?\n"}]}