32 Colours of Commanders; 10 left to plan

DynamoDan avatarDynamoDan 10 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Meowdy folks. \nThose who look at my account may notice I have a "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"few"},{"insert":" Commander deck lists, all my own original, horrible conceptions. They're often based around a silly core concept, or perhaps a kindred theme, or achieving a particular interaction and getting the win via this interaction. \nI don't really have a competitive bone in my body (except for when I do,) so these decks often end up being pretty casual. \n\nMy question is: Does anyone have some suggestions for some commanders (whether partners or individuals) in the following colour combinations? I've only seen so many cards unfortunately, so need a little help thinking up what to do for the remainder of the decks to make the 32 colour combinations:\n"},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Mono - "},{"insert":"\nB\n"},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Dual - "},{"insert":"\nUB\nBG\nBR\nRG\n"},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Tri - "},{"insert":"\nWBG\nGRB\n"},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Quad -"},{"insert":"\nWUBR\nWBRG\n\nThanks for the help!\n"}]}
John_Sherwood avatarJohn_Sherwood 10 months
{"ops":[{"attributes":{"background":"transparent","color":"#000000"},"insert":"I've been mulling over this for a couple days. Looking at your decks, I see a lot of Spell-slinger and non-creatuure decks. A lot of your decks also have high legendary counts, even if that isn't the main theme. I also noted Graveyard, Super Friends and a couple Creature Tribes. With this in mind, I suggest you try these archetypes and themes not already represented in your decks:"},{"insert":"\n\n"},{"attributes":{"background":"transparent","color":"#000000"},"insert":"Big Mana/Ramp: Any G+ or B+ color combos"},{"insert":"\n"},{"attributes":{"background":"transparent","color":"#000000"},"insert":"Clones - UB or WUBR"},{"insert":"\n"},{"attributes":{"background":"transparent","color":"#000000"},"insert":"Mill - UB or WUBR"},{"insert":"\n"},{"attributes":{"background":"transparent","color":"#000000"},"insert":"Landfall - G+anything"},{"insert":"\n"},{"attributes":{"background":"transparent","color":"#000000"},"insert":"Theft - B, UB, BR, GRB or WUBR"},{"insert":"\n"}]}
DynamoDan avatarDynamoDan 8 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"We have no other way to talk so pardon the irreverence, but congrats on landing a some writing work with EDHRec! I was a little worried when I saw your name had changed, but it's cool that you've been recognised for your work!\n"}]}
Edited 1/3/2024, 12:50:29 PM
DynamoDan avatarDynamoDan 10 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Thank you for taking the time to really think it over! I had some ideas I wanted to play around with, but hadn't really considered a clones or theft deck as of yet. \nDespite what it looks like, I already have a 50/50 landfall magecraft deck as Kynaios and Tiro, but dedicating more to a singular theme may be the way to go, as I don't have any decks that wholly try and achieve one thing.\nThanks for the good suggestions!\n"}]}
GlitchHunter avatarGlitchHunter 10 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"If you want some inspiration feel free to look at these:\nhttps://archidekt.com/decks/5119820/aggression\nhttps://archidekt.com/decks/5076635/artifice\nhttps://archidekt.com/decks/4365462/darigaazs_flame\nhttps://archidekt.com/decks/4590210/abzan_exile\nhttps://archidekt.com/decks/5182022/prime_destruction\nhttps://archidekt.com/decks/5009201/juris_bloodfest\nhttps://archidekt.com/decks/5210532/stone_gaze\nhttps://archidekt.com/decks/5395018/pirate_fleet\nhttps://archidekt.com/decks/5394340/morinfen_and_gallowbraid_twin_payments\nWhile these aren't the end-all, be-all commanders for each identity (the quad I would recommend the commanders I used) they are the ones I had the most fun brewing.\n"}]}
DynamoDan avatarDynamoDan 10 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"You've certainly got a lot of decks brewed! While I personally tend to go for a slightly different approach to my deck building, these do give some good ideas for inspiration! I've seen Saskiya and personally don't find her too exciting, and I'm somewhat torn about whether Breya is what I want to build for WUBR, but seeing the way you built her gives a pretty good idea of the direction that sort of deck goes in.\n\nOf all the ones you posted, the Sisters of Stone Death are the ones that really caught my eye, because I've never seen them before and they seem cool! Darigaaz also looks like it has some fun shenanings possible, with lifelink enablers and things especially; maybe some cheeky self-shooting to trigger the new Rowan's discount? \n\nEither way, thanks for picking these out for me to share! Especially seein as it saves me having to look through your 100+ decks!\n"}]}