BUG: Artifact lands always recatagorize themselves as artifacts even when changed and saved

danaroach avatardanaroach 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Specifically Darksteel Citadel, Tree of Tales and Vault of Whispers. I didn't try any other artifact lands. If I click the > arrow and go to \"additional info and actions\" and mark them as lands and save it shows them as lands, until I leave. Then when I go back they're back to being artifacts. I'm using Chrome for a browser, but the same thing happened in Edge. \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Just confirmed this is happening. Gotta say this is super strange, we'll definitely take a look. It's also strange on multiple accounts because I'm pretty sure that artifact lands should be classed as lands by default anyways, but I'll have to double check that. \n\nThanks for the report!\n"}]}
Greyhame888 avatarGreyhame888 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Having the same issue, very odd.\n"}]}