Toggle to hide Private Decks from the "My Decks" page by default

eastly avatareastly 13 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"I personally have a huge backlog of experimental decks that I keep private and archived that I don't often reference. I find that these decks are what appear most often under the \"Your Deck\" on my homepage. I would love a toggle so that only public decks show up in the My Decks section, while private decks can only be accessed via My Folders. \n\nWhile this is a minor UX change that is admittedly a little selfish, I think that it could do leagues to make the experience of Archidekt feel more professional and welcoming. Having My Decks cluttered with a bunch of my experimental decks makes the My Deck page feel more like a bin of half baked ideas rather than a collection of my favorite decks. \n"}]}
Jeremy avatarJeremy 13 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"So the intention of the \"Your Decks\" section is to display your most recently edited decks regardless of their completion/privacy status. The idea is that the most recently edited are the ones you're most likely to be returning to whenever you open up the site. Since others can't see this, we honestly haven't given much mind to showing half-baked work because at least it's "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"your"},{"insert":" half-baked work.\n\nIt sounds like our disconnect is coming from you wanting that section to be more of a display case while we're envisioning it as a tool to get you back to brewing. I'm not quite sure how to reconcile the two because we certainly don't want to hide private decks by default and a toggle is technically a little tricky there. My best suggestion would maybe be to make your user page the one you navigate to when you open up Archidekt. It still shows your most recent decks at the top (with folders below), but hides private decks since it's a place intended to be linked to others.\n\nI apologize for the disappointing response, but hope that our reasoning makes some sense!\n"}]}
eastly avatareastly 13 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Not disappointing at all! I really appreciate you reaching out, and can definitely appreciate technical limitation making a feature like that difficult. Bookmarking my profile page is a great idea, thank you!\n"}]}