Collection - Mass Delete

OhJeeez avatarOhJeeez 20 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hello! \n\n\tI was wondering if there would ever be an option to mass delete enteries in the collection section. For example, I added what I thought was an unedited pre-con to my collection but it was actually updated with cards I didn't have. That being the case if I could just check a box next to the cards I want to remove and then hit delete that would be amazing. If this is a feature and I missed it please let me know!\n\nThanks for all the great work you do!\n"}]}
Jeremy avatarJeremy 20 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi there! Fortunately you can already accomplish this with multiselect. If you're on desktop, Ctrl-click cards in your Collection to highlight them and delete via the multiselect widget that appears in the lower left of the page. If you're on mobile, long press the entries you want to multiselect instead.\n\nI hope this helps!\n"}]}
OhJeeez avatarOhJeeez 20 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Oh, I didnt know about that. Perfect, thank you!\n"}]}
brazen avatarbrazen 3 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"I have been trying to do this and I always get an error \"Failed to remove cards form selection\"\n"}]}