{"ops":[{"insert":"I might be just missing it, but if not, a nice feature to have would be some sort of revision or change log to decks. I'm about to make my first change to a deck and the only way I see at the moment of recording this \"deck update\" is to post a comment.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"We talk about this all the time because I think we'd use the hell out of a feature like this. The only real problem is that this will take a good bit of time to design and implement. I think it's safe to say we want to do this, it's just a matter of when. \n\nFor now what if I'm about to make really big changes is just copy the deck and make edits to the copy. It's not my favorite, but it gets the job done for now.\n\nThanks for the suggestion! If you've got any wishes on what you'd like to see in a feature like this let us know, better to get them in now before we start something like this.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"I've been doing the same thing re: making copies for major changes. It's an okay way to go but it clogs up my list of decks. \nAs others mentioned, a \"compare\" feature to go along with a deck history would be excellent. Both the ability to compare versions as well as compare your deck with similar decks (esp. decks with the same commander).\nMy solution for smaller edits has been to add all cards in a deck to my collection before I make changes, and then when I add new cards I can filter by \"owned\" to see which ones are new. This is fine but if I add cards I already own it gets a bit tricky. A \"recently added\" filter would also solve this problem, and maybe a \"recently removed\" filter too? Just spitballing. \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"+1 for a revision tracking feature!\n\nSomething like:\n\tAdded: a, 2x b, c\n\tRemoved: d, e, 3x f\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Cool, thanks for the reply! \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Use git to store the decks and the deck changelogs come for free! Just need to make a UI around it then using git APIs to fetch the commit history for the deck. Haha just spitballing here but it might actually work, obviously the big problem would be migrating everything! \n\nOT: would you mind telling me what text editor library you're using for your description feature? I'm building a "},{"attributes":{"link":"https://www.landingping.com/landingping-hsbTSSXWUt"},"insert":"site"},{"insert":" (totally unrelated with MTG) using React and I'm not satisfied with my current solution (react-draft-wysiwyg).\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"I'd definitely love a changelog feature as well! There are actually players in my group who use other sites, waiting for Archidekt to implement it.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"I think any copy of a deck could have reference to it's parent and to the original deck. A simple \"compare to other deck\" search could default to related decks but would be useful even outside of deck revisions. It could be used to see what differences there are between two recent winning tron lists or help answer questions like what are the common cards (shell) of all these mono black devotion lists.\nInitial thought on the comparison ui is a simple three column list of common, minus copies and plus copies.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Deckstats has perhaps a good starting model, allowing you to view previous decklist versions as separate \"revisions,\" and also encouraging comments per revision to summarize changes made.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hard agree this is still a feature that I want and would absolutely love to have.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"would definitely love this, recently i accidently saved over a deck in a seperate tab and couldn't get all the world i'd done back xmx\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Man I wish this was a thing, would save me so much time in updating decks. Also would help when I accidentally removed a card again without noticing...\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"I came to this forum with the express intent of suggesting this feature. I frequently build a deck, start playing with it, and simultaneously start tweaking the deck in Archidekt. These changes aren't reflected in the paper version of the deck.\n\nOne thing I would like is if the versions weren't every time the deck was saved, but instead an explicit \"versioning\" of the deck. To reflect when I swap cards and retest the deck in real life.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"This, in some form or another, is still definitely still on our to-do list! Unfortunately, the logistics of making it happen are a little tricky, which is why it hasn't happened yet. Regardless, we appreciate the reminder that this is something our users want and appreciate the patience in the meantime! \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Also, something like \"Deck created on dd/mm/yyyy\" would be extremely need. I'm currently trying to figure out how long I've had some decks assembled, and I'm drawing a blank.\t\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"+1 on this one for sure. Being able to see what was added/substracted will be very helpful. BTW: This is by far the best deck building app ive seen. Great job with it.\n"}]}