Upgrade to Search (I am a child, do not question my grammar please)

Archeevee avatarArcheevee 19 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"I'm Suggesting a bonus way to help search for cards that are two particular Identities without anything else shown.\n\nFor instance, if you choose \"Red, White\" and a new option that says \"Only\"\n\nthe cards that will be searched for will only be White Red Identity or color.\n\nThis is something I thought already exists, with the \"And + Identity\" works together, but using both will show all cards with the colors, even if its out of the colors locked in the W U B R G slots.\n\nFor making Cubes, and or searching up multicolored cards for decks, this would be so useful.\n"}]}
Archeevee avatarArcheevee 19 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Sorry, no Im meaning a set of logic that only shows cards that are BOTH identity, if you have it as\n\n\n\nAnd.: White Red : Identity\n\nShows all white red and others, where I want it to show exactly white/red cards\n\n\n\nReason why is I'm thinking of this could support those people that make multicolor matters, but only this multicolor, I hope this clears the confusion.\n"}]}
Jeremy avatarJeremy 19 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"I understand now, thank you for the clarification. We're having some conversations internally about how this can be made both more clear and more functional in order to cover this use case. It's admittedly not going to be at the top of our priority list to get fixed immediately, but it's been added to our to-do list. Thank you for bringing it to our attention!\n"}]}
Jeremy avatarJeremy 19 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi there! You should be able to accomplish what you are looking for by leaving the logic as \"Or\" (rather than \"And\") with \"Identity\" checked and the colors you want lit up. For instance, to use your example above, you would set up your search like this in order to only see cards that can be played in a Boros commander deck:\n\n"},{"insert":{"image":"https://i.imgur.com/1gnnLk9.png"}},{"insert":"\n\nDoes that make sense or am I misunderstanding your request?\n"}]}