Deck building, help to reduce deck size and balance

DrakEmono avatarDrakEmono 20 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hiya! I made a deck I would like to use for real, bug there are quite... many cards in my deck. The purpose of my deck is to create many wolf tokens and buff them. I'm currently at 110 cards (lands included) so I think it really needs to shrink, but I struggle to know what kind of cards I should remove or reduce the number of them. Can anyone help please? Thank you very much!\n\nHere is my current deck: "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":"\n"}]}
Edited 1/12/2023, 2:15:11 PM
Music_Marvel avatarMusic_Marvel 20 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"My first suggestion is to reduce the number of duplicates you have. The tip for how many duplicates to have is as follows: 4 is you always want to draw this card multiple times per game. 3 is you do not always want to draw this card, but do want to draw it at least twice per game. 2 is you want to draw this card once per game. 1 is you want this card in your deck, but you are not reliant on drawing it to make your win condition. \n"}]}
DrakEmono avatarDrakEmono 20 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Following your tips, I dropped the number of cards to 67. Would be perfect if I can manage to choose 7 more cards to remove... From the new deck, would you suggest me some cards I shouldn't really keep for my deck?\n"}]}
Music_Marvel avatarMusic_Marvel 20 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Also, take fable of wolf and owl out of your deck if you have no blue spells. There are other spells that do the same thing and are cheaper. \nTake out Llanowar Elves as they do not help you create wolf tokens and buff them. They make green mana, which seems helpful, but is not the purpose of your deck. Besides, weaver of blossoms does it better and is a werewolf. \nRemove Spirit of the hunt because it only buffs defense, not offense. \nYour deck looks cool though!\n"}]}