[Builder] Brewer mode available in all deck views (Archived)

{"ops":[{"insert":"Currently, Brewer is a deck view type that places your Maybeboard spread out at the top of the page while leaving the rest of your deck in stacks below. The intended workflow with this view is for users to dump a ton of cards into their Maybeboard, then have an easy way to browse through it at the top of the page, determining which cards to keep and cut. \n\nWith this proposed feature, Brewer would no longer be a view itself, but rather a toggle to turn on and off in any other view. This would mean if users prefer the look of Grid, Table, Text or Scroll to that of Stacks, they could still move the Maybeboard to the top of the page in the same style as Brewer did previously. If you wanted to maintain it's looks as it is now, you could toggle it on with Stacks view selected. \n\nIf this proposed feature is of interest to you, give the thread a thumbs-up and leave your thoughts below! User interest in each feature will help us prioritize in development.\n"}]}
Edited 4/1/2024, 9:51:23 PM
shadeauxe avatarshadeauxe 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Thanks!\n\nI like the idea of having the brewer panel up with various views of the cards. Sometimes, I want it with stacks and categories, for dragging the cards I know I want into categories. Other times, I find myself needing to add a card at the expense of removing another one, and being able to see the grid mode with all of my choices would help me find the card most easily removed to make room for the one from the maybeboard. \n"}]}