Want some advice

Skithryx avatarSkithryx 17 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"I am building a Vampire deck based around exchanging life everytime you loose life I gain life and im intending to involve a super friends aspect to the deck and i think i have it nailed down for the most part but i want a second opinion. (https://www.archidekt.com/decks/3298248)\n"}]}
John_Sherwood avatarJohn_Sherwood 17 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Take another look at your mana base. Your color production isn't proportional to your mana costs. \n\n1-3 Planeswalkers is not what I would call Superfriends. I recommend you take a hard look at those Planeswalkers and decide if they do enough work in your deck to be worth the slots and mana costs. \n\nYou're building around drain effects, but "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Leyline of Punishment"}},{"insert":" shuts down all life gain, including your own. If you play it, more than twenty cards in your deck won't work the way they're supposed to. \n"}]}
Skithryx avatarSkithryx 17 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"I thought about using Leyline of Punishment as a way of just changing the direction of a game. As far as super friends go i haven't built the deck around it i just notice that 4 of my vampire cards can give plus one plus one counters is all.\n\t If i take out all of the planes and mountains it balances out the however i don't want to get rid of the plains and mountains as i have red and white mana i will need to cast some spells so i lowered the amount of mountains and plains to 6 total and that should help with any colored man issues with black. im just thinking i only need 3 black mana at once to cast any card in the deck and the rest can be colorless.\nThe plains walkers I just thought did some cool stuff the count dracula was just a way to gain a little extra life.\nover all I didn't want this deck to be real competitive i just wanted to experiment with vampires and figured that was a good place to start as i can always change the deck later. \nThanks for the advice.\n"}]}