Having lots of issues lately

gandalf avatargandalf 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Lately the search feature has not been working for me. I made several decks before, but now nothing comes up when I search for a card. Even when I select it from the suggested auto-completes nothing shows up. What's going on? Also when I hover over a card in Text view, it's very difficult to move to the next card down because the image covers the text. Can this be fixed?\n\nAnother gripe I have, is that the red boarders are confusing. I don't know where to see what the exact error is. I spent 10 minutes trying to make a creature the commander, only to find out that my deck was switched to a Standard format. Everything was working well before, what happened? \t \n"}]}
RodentChubs avatarRodentChubs 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Protip: post this in the development forum instead, it may help it to get noticed and fixed faster.\n"}]}