Using my collection?

TacticaT avatarTacticaT 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"I'm missing something obvious I'm sure. And all attempts at googling the answer just point to pages that don't have the text the google preview claims they have!\n\nHow do I make a deck with the cards in my collection? \n\nIf I have already typed in the name of call my cards to search them up and add them in the first place, why do I have to type them all in again to search for the ones I want in my deck? That just means lots of looking back and forth between different windows to see what I actually have... Which doesn't seem like the right way to do things...\n"}]}
PewP3r avatarPewP3r 19 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Same here. I just came from Dragon Shield because they have no options for search/filtering outside of card name and their deck creation only allows you to search and add via their master database (IE. Fantasy deckbuilding). Seems like Archidekt forces you to search cards by name to add them to a deck, and there's a filter buried in the options that only uses your own private collection for the search. Kinda boggles the mind why I can't just add a card to a deck while browsing my collection??\n"}]}
AtmaChrono avatarAtmaChrono 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"I was wondering the same thing\n"}]}
r4p1d avatarr4p1d 5 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Did you ever figure it out?\n"}]}