{"ops":[{"insert":"Rather than burying the lede, let's get to the important bit: Based on feedback to "},{"attributes":{"link":"https://archidekt.com/forum/thread/3137701/1"},"insert":"this thread"},{"insert":" about a proposed rework of the Import menu (previously \"Edit\"), we will "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"not"},{"insert":" be making those changes at present time. Aside from the change in name, we plan to maintain the current functionality of the Import menu. User feedback showed us how removing the ability to edit cards within the full-deck text field would break a number of reasonable workflows. Thank you to all who shared their thoughts with us over there!\n\nThe fact remains that the text field in question is the primary source of unexpected behavior on the site. By having it under \"Import\" now instead of \"Edit\", we hope to communicate its true intent to new users while maintaining its function for enfranchised users who are more familiar with its idiosyncrasies. We have some ideas about how we might be able to improve that sort of deck view, but any changes would be purely additive and not for a while yet. \n\nAnother lesson learned from the linked thread is that many users are unfamiliar with some site functions that they believe the Import menu is necessary to perform. Just in case you came to the Import menu for any of these actions, here are some alternate ways to perform them:\n"},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Delete your entire deck"},{"insert":": If you're on desktop, Ctrl+A selects every card in your deck. You can then press Delete to, well, delete. "},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Bulk editing categories, foiling, quantity, or color tags"},{"insert":": Multiselect! By Ctrl clicking on a card on desktop (long press on mobile), you can select multiple cards to edit simultaneously via a multiselect modal that appears when you've selected your first card. This also works with drag and drop. Ctrl clicking a category name (or selecting \"Select All\" from the three-dot menu next to the category name) will select all cards within a category."},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Copying the text of your deck"},{"insert":": In you're on desktop, Ctrl+A selects every card in your deck. Ctrl+C copies the selected cards' names while Ctrl+Shift+C copies the selected cards and their full Archidekt syntax (i.e. what appears in the text box on the Import menu). You can also copy the text of your deck via the Export menu, which is likely the best method for mobile users. "},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Adding additional entries of a card with different foiling to your deck"},{"insert":": On desktop, right click on a card and select \"Add as new card\". You can then change the foiling of the new entry however you wish. This can also be accomplished from the Search menu via the three-dot button on cards already in your deck (this would be the way to do it on mobile). "},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nIf you have another workflow for any of these actions, please feel free to continue to using them! We're just looking to highlight some alternatives that "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"may"},{"insert":" work better for you. \n\nRegardless, thank you again to all who provided feedback to the proposed changes! Understanding how you use our site helps us to make Archidekt the best it can be.\n\nThe Archidekt Team\n"}]}