Finding Duplicate Cards in collection
{"ops":[{"insert":"I'm currently in the tedious process of making my collection digital with your collection. \nI really like it so far, but is there currently a way or an idea for a tool to find duplicate cards within the collection and either merge them or let the user merge them manually.\nI've accidentally put in a few duplicate cards by accident and when I know their name, I can find them and merge them (delete one, increase quantity). But I wonder if I put in some that I don't realize.\n\nThank you for your time, consideration, and hard work\n"}]}

{"ops":[{"insert":"I'll add this to the list of features to the discussion for our collection update. Thanks for the suggestion!\n\nHowever, just note that when adding a card you can click the dropdown next to the add button and change it to update. This will simply add to the quantity of the card if it finds it already in your collection\n"}]}
Edited 10/12/2020, 5:17:01 PM

(Rare Patron)
5 years{"ops":[{"insert":"I think this would be convenient, but I'd also like it to be an option you can turn on or off. Because having cards individually tracked can lead to some nice features down the line such as being able to make individual notes on every card. (This copy of m19 nicol bolas is damaged, this copy of m19 nicol bolas is signed by the artist, etc) \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Yes. I'd simply just like the tool to find cards that match the exact set or edition, foil status. language, etc. This would be immensely helpful.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"I'd like to +1 this -- creating a collection filter as a user autocompletes the card search field in the new card form would not only keep users from accidentally duplicating cards, but also for users who know a card is already in the collection it would make having to switch between search fields unnecessary,\n\nWhat I'm suggesting maybe is that the create and filter search forms should be a single form field?\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Yeah I'd also like this, I'm not a coder by any means but the logic seems pretty straight forward. It's just summing the quantities of two lines that are identical on every other variable, removing the old lines, and making a new line with the new quantity value. \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"This^^^ I am also in the process of adding my collection. I am not doing it through the deck builder anymore but the collections page. It sucks when you are searching and adding it makes a new entry and does not merge the quantity if the card already exists in that set. I understand if there is two entries for the same card but in different sets. Please make it auto merge the quantities!!!\n"}]}