Deckbuilding Contest - June 2022

{"ops":[{"insert":"\nHello brewers,"},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nMany Magic: The Gathering players first get into the Commander format with a preconstructed deck. As one of the consistently highest quality products that WotC produces, they’re a fantastic entry point and typically play very well right out of the box. \n\nThat said, for as great as the precons are, it doesn’t take playing one for long before the itch to tinker kicks in. For this month’s "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"Card Kingdom"},{"insert":"-sponsored contest, we’re giving in to that urge! Details below.\n\nWhat’s the contest all about?"},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Working within the parameters of the prompt provided below, construct a decklist with your own creative spin. Three chosen finalists will be awarded store credit to "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":". \n\n"},{"attributes":{"italic":true,"bold":true},"insert":"For June’s deckbuilding contest, brew a modified version of any Commander/EDH preconstructed deck. Your commander must be one of the legendary creatures that comes with the deck and a maximum of 25 new cards may be used. Extra consideration will be awarded to lists that take the deck in an interesting new direction!"},{"attributes":{"header":3},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nYou can browse all of the Commander preconstructed decks "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"here"},{"insert":". When you're ready to create your deck, you may find it helpful to begin using our precon import feature. Directions in the gif below! \n\n"},{"insert":{"image":""}},{"insert":"\n\nA couple points of clarification:"},{"attributes":{"header":3},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Increasing the number of basic lands in your deck does "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"not"},{"insert":" count against the 25 new cards you can use."},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Technically, by the same logic, adding in 20 "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Shadowborn Apostle"}},{"insert":" or "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Persistent Petitioners"}},{"insert":" etc. would only count as 1 \"new\" card toward the 25. However, overhauling a deck that way is likely to move you away from the spirit of the prompt, so we'd suggest only doing so if you have particularly clever reasoning!"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nHere’s how to participate:"},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Brew an EDH/Commander legal deck on Archidekt that satisfies the prompt.\nAny unreleased cards spoiled during the contest’s duration are allowed."},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Silver-bordered, while cool, are not allowed. "},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Digital-only cards (such as those designed for the Alchemy format on Arena) are not allowed."},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Strictly one deck submitted per user."},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nReply to either this newspost or "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"the announcement tweet"},{"insert":" from the "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"@archidekt"},{"insert":" account on Twitter with a link to your deck before 9:00pm ET (UTC -4, currently) on "},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Friday, July 1, 2022"},{"insert":". Only one submission per user!\n\nFrom the eligible submissions, we'll select three finalists with lists that we believe best embody the spirit of the prompt. Additional characteristics by which your deck may be judged include playability and uniqueness (i.e. “spice”); budget has no direct bearing on your chances to win. Deck descriptions are not required but certainly may provide valuable context!\n\nOn "},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Saturday, July 2, 2022"},{"insert":", we'll tweet out a poll for the community to vote on its favorite of the three selected finalists' lists. Any finalists who submitted their lists on Archidekt will be notified via the email associated with their account. We’ll also publish a newspost on Archidekt announcing the finalists and linking to the poll on Twitter. Each finalist will be awarded store credit to The value of the credit is in US dollars and depends on the finalist's placement in the community poll at the end of its two day duration:\n1st Place Prize - $50"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"2nd Place Prize - $30"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"3rd Place Prize - $20"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Finalists will be contacted via Twitter or email (depending on where they submitted) regarding their winnings following the conclusion of the poll by "},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Tuesday, July 5, 2022"},{"insert":". Please note, you must have a Card Kingdom account in order to receive your winnings. It's quick and free-- "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"register here"},{"insert":" if you don't have an account already!\n\nAn important note:"},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Unfortunately, due to wild variance in contest laws, eligibility is limited to residents of the United States and Canada (excluding Quebec). We’d love to allow all of our users to participate, but ensuring we are legally compliant with each country’s national laws is too great a barrier. For additional information regarding eligibility, check our "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"official contest rules"},{"insert":". \n\nCongratulations to June’s winners! "},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"1st Place: "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"Cute_Monster"},{"insert":" - "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"Shockers & Spheroids - Ball Lightning Tribal"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"2nd Place: "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"iszachd"},{"insert":" - "},{"attributes":{"link":",_THE_FAR-SIGHTED_GIANT"},"insert":"VHAL, THE FAR-SIGHTED GIANT"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"3rd Place: "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"Klazen"},{"insert":" - "},{"attributes":{"link":",_Some_Clerics_Raise_th'_Dead,_Others_Create_'em"},"insert":"Ambergris, Some Clerics Raise th' Dead, Others Create 'em"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nThank you!"},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"If you have any other questions, feel free to ask here or reach, on Twitter, or in our "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"public Discord server"},{"insert":". We look forward to seeing what you all come up with! \n\nThe Archidekt Team\n\n\n"}]}
Edited 6/26/2022, 5:36:31 PM
{"ops":[{"insert":"Rigged Politics: "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":"\n\nThe deck is a modified Obsura Operation list using "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"Tivit, Seller of Secrets"},{"insert":" as the pilot. The deck is heavily focused on card draw and politics while assembling pieces to rig the votes in your favor ("},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"Ballot Broker, Brago's Representative, Tivit"},{"insert":"). We pit our opponents against each other through cards that have Council's Dilemma and Will of the Council ("},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"Expropriate, Council's Judgement, Capital Punishment, etc."},{"insert":"), bribing them with card draw and tutoring "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"(Master of Ceremonies, Scheming Symmetry, Wishclaw Talisman, etc"},{"insert":".) so we can find our win conditions win cons (like"},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":" Urza, Time Sieve, Expropriate, and Rise and Shine"},{"insert":"). \n\nThe original creatures list was changed the most and those that remained generally focused on card draw as the many unblockable creatures that were already in the deck accelerate us into the fun cards. I included a list of cards cut from the deck as well just to show some of the logic involved. \n\nLots of fun. The table will be too busy trying to cozy up to you so they can find their own cards and won't realize the game was rigged in your favor the whole time until you vote multiple times on Expropriate. Likely going to build out a more fleshed out Tivit list as my next project after doing this. :)\n"}]}
Edited 6/28/2022, 9:20:28 AM
GamingMagic avatarGamingMagic 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Here is my Everybody Party Deck modified from the party time precon. \n\n \n\n\tI called it Everybody Party because it is based of the party time precon, however I changed it create more creature tokens to join the party. I modified the deck with 25 cards to add more token makers to add creatures to the field. The tokens could then count towards being party members with the Maskwood Nexus making all creatures all types. There are also other creatures I added that have effects for other creatures entering and exiting the battlefield to take advantage of the tokens. I also modified the mana base to include gates that synergize to create treasure tokens, generate alot of mana, or buff a creature.\n"}]}
siriusru avatarsiriusru 2 years
{"ops":[{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":" I took the subjective reality and gave it a new spin with the commander Yennet, who benefits off of high odd converted mana cost cards on the top of your library. But how will you know what the top card is? That's what many of my added cards do, and allow you to play them whenever you want to reveal the next one.\n"}]}
iszachd avatariszachd 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"\nI tried to make a take on the kalamax precon to play with pako and haldan as commanders, and using new cards from the exit from exile list to give haldan's exile casting some more oofs. the main win condition remains to be through pako's attacks. this prompt had me stumped for a while.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"This an upgrade for Wade Into Battle that focuses on using affinity and improvise to more effectively take advantage of "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas"}},{"insert":"'s ability, while also laying down huge beats with giant robots.\n"},{"attributes":{"link":" "},"insert":" "},{"insert":"\n"}]}
Klazen avatarKlazen 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"'s_Commander_Storm,_Long_May_She_Rain!\n\nA description of the deck's play-style and purpose is in the description field on the deck page. \n"}]}
DankCastle avatarDankCastle 2 years
{"ops":[{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"Soul Nourishing Citizen Tribal"},{"insert":"\n\n"},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"POWER TO THE PEOPLE! CITIZENS RISE UP!"},{"insert":"\n \nComing from humble beginnings as a Cabaretti Cacophony precon, this deck has evolved in to a full blown movement for only 20 dollars! Making Magic affordable for middle class Americans everywhere! "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Bess, Soul Nourisher"}},{"insert":" has brought regular citizens together and given them the power to fight the establishment!\n\nSo citizen tribal is all about lots of tokens so I switched the commander to the tokenier one. She's cooler anyways even without the red. You can poop out a lot of citizens with stuff like "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Grand Crescendo"}},{"insert":" and "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Scepter of Celebration"}},{"insert":" then buff them with Bess and some typical token deck things like "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Cathars' Crusade"}},{"insert":" and some tribal synergy things like "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Take to the Streets"}},{"insert":". There were a few weird citizen things before New Cappena that surprised me. Did you know there's a citizen land? "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Mobilized District"}},{"insert":". That's a thing. This is a good start to building a deck I hope gets more tribal support in the future because the flavor is delicious (just like Bess's soup).\n"}]}
Cannelbrae avatarCannelbrae 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"I started with "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"Dungeons of Death (AFC)"},{"insert":", which is all about three things:\n\nPutting creature cards into your graveyard."},{"attributes":{"list":"ordered"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Venturing into dungeons (which you do by doing step 1)."},{"attributes":{"list":"ordered"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Reanimating your own creatures (which you do by completing dungeons)."},{"attributes":{"list":"ordered"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nIt also contains "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Nihiloor"}},{"insert":", an alternate commander who cares about literally none of this.\n\nSo this is my take on what would happen if, like Nihiloor, you completely ignored the precon's themes and focused instead on esper theft:\n\n"},{"attributes":{"link":",_Less_Death"},"insert":"–_No_Dungeons,_Less_Death"},{"insert":".\n"}]}
Edited 6/29/2022, 2:35:59 AM
{"ops":[{"insert":"Breaking Landfall using token lands: A Quantum Quandrix Upgrade\n\n\n"}]}
MooGiGon avatarMooGiGon 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"For your consideration, I present "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"Elf-ristocrats"},{"insert":".\n\nA slightly less modified version of my paper build, this deck steers the precon firmly into the Aristocrats archetype by adding "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Gruesome Fate"}},{"insert":", "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Nadier's Nightblade"}},{"insert":" & "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord"}},{"insert":" to the already present "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Shaman of the Pack"}},{"insert":", "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Skemfar Shadowsage"}},{"insert":", "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Elderfang Venom"}},{"insert":", and, of course, Lathril herself. "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Elvish Warmaster"}},{"insert":", "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Tyvar Kell"}},{"insert":" & "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury"}},{"insert":" provide even more token fodder alongside "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Wolverine Riders"}},{"insert":", "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Elven Ambush"}},{"insert":" & "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Elvish Promenade"}},{"insert":" while "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Jaheira, Friend of the Forest"}},{"insert":" turns all of them into mana dorks to help accelerate my gameplan.\n\nTo ensure creatures are dying at a steady rate, I've added additional boardwipes and sacrifice effects, such as "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Crippling Fear"}},{"insert":", "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Elvish Dreadlord"}},{"insert":" & "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Dictate of Erebos"}},{"insert":" to complement "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Eyeblight Massacre"}},{"insert":" & "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Ruthless Winnower"}},{"insert":". Meanwhile, additions like "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Skullclamp"}},{"insert":", "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Deathreap Ritual"}},{"insert":", "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Species Specialist"}},{"insert":", and "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Izoni, Thousand-Eyed"}},{"insert":" help generate major card advantage from my creatures dying. \n\nFor that last touch of extra spice, "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Helm of the Host"}},{"insert":" can help double, triple, or quadruple up any of my creature-based effects (like my personal favorite "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Poison-Tip Archer"}},{"insert":") while "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Gilt-Leaf Archdruid"}},{"insert":" can grab lands to close out the game against any decks that cling to life for too long.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":"\n\nHere's my modified take on the Saskia preconstructed deck.\n\nI started by adding effects to goad opponents' creatures, giving mine more chances to attack profitably and trigger Saskia.\nI then loaded up on attack and damage triggers. Finally, those attack triggers can get doubled up by Wulfgar and/or Isshin.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"While I was pretty unimpressed by the commander for the Upgrades Unleashed deck, there was a legend who seemed perfect for the modified mechanic, and as luck would have it, he was reprinted in the 99. Here's Grumgully tokens, focused on having as many modified creatures as possible. And yes. I spend one of my card changes fixed the duplicate land.\n\n"}]}
PBandJake avatarPBandJake 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Normally, this is a pretty good artifact deck. Nothing too gimmicky, except for maybe being able to literally steal a win with "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Hellkite Tyrant"}},{"insert":" . But that's way too easy, so instead, let's win in a much more stupid and roundabout way! When most people play with "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Mirrodin Besieged"}},{"insert":" , they declare Mirran, because well, it's a very good effect for most artifact decks, especially when your commander can sacrifice artifacts for a bunch of different effects. But that's still too easy and not jank enough, so instead, we are trying with all our might to get "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Mirrodin Besieged"}},{"insert":" out onto the battlefield and declare Phyrexian. This means we're gonna be putting as many artifacts out onto the battlefield so we sacrifice them for value, so then eventually, we can point at a player and tell them to scoop. The cards I put in either sacrifice themselves for value, are cheap to make them good sacrifice fodder, make it easier to cast artifacts, or do some looting (as discarding artifacts puts them into the graveyard). \n \n"}]}
HelenaBruh avatarHelenaBruh 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"This challenge was particularly refreshing for me, as I'm much more inclined towards brewing from scratch as opposed to modifying an existing deck. I decided to focus on an archetype I enjoyed quite a bit when I first started playing Magic. I always found the red and black vampires of the original Innistrad Block really cool and interesting, and with the recent new set, Innistrad: Crimson Vow, they leaned into an archetype that they mostly touched on in Shadows Over Innistrad and Eldritch Moon: rummaging. So I decided to modify the "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Strefan, Maurer Progenitor"}},{"insert":" precon and shift the focus closer to a vampire's favorite snack: Blood (tokens). The first order of business had me switching over the commander to the alternate option in the precon, the partner commanders "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Laurine, the Diversion"}},{"insert":" and "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Kamber, the Plunderer"}},{"insert":". This dynamic duo oversees a heavily blood-focused deck with brand new blood-loving vampires and artifact payoffs.\n\nI've never been a fan of one-off draw, so apart from the too-good-to-pass-up "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Champion of Dusk"}},{"insert":", I had to make some cuts. "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Ancient Craving"}},{"insert":", "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Damnable Pact"}},{"insert":", "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Imposing Grandeur"}},{"insert":", and even "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Anje's Ravager"}},{"insert":" went out the window. Instead, I added "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Alhammarret's Archive"}},{"insert":" to double up on Blood token payoffs, "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Wedding Security"}},{"insert":" to use my Blood tokens to both create a big beater and draw without rummaging, and several new vampires to make even more Blood for my collection to keep the cards flowing. Knowing I would have to pitch some goodies, I kept most of the madness cards in the deck intact, as well as the reanimation, and even added some new goodies like "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Nullpriest of Oblivion"}},{"insert":" and "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Agadeem's Awakening // Agadeem, the Undercrypt"}},{"insert":", the latter of which can even replace a land if needed. I cut the sadly past its time "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Commander's Sphere"}},{"insert":" for the powerhouse "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Inspiring Statuary"}},{"insert":" to convert all my Blood into mana, catapulting me into heavy-hitters like the newly-added "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Kalitas, Bloodchief of Ghet"}},{"insert":", which can take out threats and fuel Kamber AND make fodder all in one activation. "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Drana, the Last Bloodchief"}},{"insert":" and of course "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Olivia, Crimson Bride"}},{"insert":" serve to help reanimate over and over and work as vampire bodies in their own right.\n\nI felt some removal pieces in the deck were lacking, so I ended up cutting cards like "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Urge to Feed"}},{"insert":" and "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Avacyn's Judgment"}},{"insert":" for much more impactful cards like "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Bedevil"}},{"insert":" and "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Pia and Kiran Nalaar"}},{"insert":", the latter of which can turn Blood tokens into damage into even more Blood tokens on kill. "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Shatterskull Smashing // Shatterskull, the Hammer Pass"}},{"insert":" replaces a mountain and can take out two creatures AND give me two Blood tokens to keep the \"wine\" flowing. I also think "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Mob Rule"}},{"insert":" didn't quite suit the deck thematically as a finisher, so I added "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Pia Nalaar"}},{"insert":" instead to use my Blood tokens to force damage through. I cut one of the Diamonds for "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Liquimetal Torque"}},{"insert":" to turn "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Vandalblast"}},{"insert":" into a much more effective removal piece (the other one was cut for "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Thought Vessel"}},{"insert":"). "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Herald of Anguish"}},{"insert":" can be played for as little as two mana and can use Blood for removal along with pressuring my opponent's hands every round. I also thought a new wipe was probably needed, so I threw in "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Kindred Dominance"}},{"insert":" for a mostly one-sided bloody massacre. Out of respect for the theme, I kept every card with the word Blood in the name intact.\n\nMy favorite addition by far was the card "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Ruthless Technomancer"}},{"insert":". This card does WORK in this build, converting Blood into reanimation for the cards it discards out of my hand in a way that discounts many of my larger creatures by a significant amount. It also ramps hard on entry when I need it to and makes plenty of tokens which I can use with many of my artifact sacrifice pieces just as well as the Blood tokens themselves. Another highlight was replacing "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Vampire Nighthawk"}},{"insert":" with "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Nighthawk Scavenger"}},{"insert":", though it hurt a little with the original Nighthawk having been one of my favorite cards in original Innistrad.\n\nA full list of which 25 cards were cut and which were added can be found here: "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":"\n\nI hope playing this deck will be a bloody good time!\n"},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"}]}
Riprage avatarRiprage 2 years
{"ops":[{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":" <-- My Submission\n\nDeck - Rayamutations, Commander - "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Rayami, First of the Fallen"}},{"insert":" \n\nThis deck is an upgrade to"},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":" Ikoria's Enhanced Evolution"},{"insert":" precon. The main focus is still around the mutate ability and still carries a voltron theme, but I added an aristocrats theme which adds new lines of game play and spices up the deck considerably.\n\nThis deck is an adaption from a currently existing deck I already have ( "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":" ) but modified around the contest's rules of max 25 card changes from the original precon. I can personally say from first hand experience that this deck is very good. How its supposed to work is listed in the deck description.\n"}]}
Edited 6/27/2022, 9:21:26 PM