Card Tags: I couldn't even make this one up...
{"ops":[{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":"\nThe Recursion tag is appearing twice. No idea what's causing it but it's hilarious.\n\nAn additional suggestion here: Any card tags that have no cards in them should be removed from the dropdown list. Currently, I see no way to remove a tag I previously had but that is now empty.\n"}]}
Edited 5/1/2019, 3:25:39 PM

(Alpha User)
5 years{"ops":[{"insert":"😂 that is really funny! Are all of the cards in one \"Recursion\" category when sorting cards by category? Or are they split into two piles? I ask because, categories are merged together by matching the name of the category. So if your first Recursion is \"Recursion\" and your second is \"Recursion \" that'd cause this problem. (In hindsight explaining that, we probably should have just trimmed and to-lowered those strings- I'll put in a ticket for that). But yea, I'd recommend going through all your Recursion cards and set them to the first one. Then refresh and I'd think it should go back to only one Recursion category.\n\nThe category names get populated when you load the deck. So if a category has no cards in it and you refresh it should go away. \n"}]}