{"ops":[{"insert":"I just checked out the new Sandbox feature and my first impression is that I don't know what it's intended use is. From what it is communicating to me I have deduced it is a deck editor.\n\nExcept you can't save? And it tells you that and basically says \"if you want this to save (and therefore be useful in any capacity), use this other feature instead\"? I'm not sure if I missed something critical right at the start but I cannot for the life of me determine what this feature is supposed to...do.\n\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Since you have an account already, not much! It's primarily intended as a way for people to try out deck building on Archidekt before \"commiting\" to making an account. You could use it as a place to chuck cards around without choosing a deck name and format first, but I can't imagine it's a common use case. \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Ah that makes way more sense. Thanks!\n"}]}