{"ops":[{"insert":"I can't figure out how to test my deck. I have the commander in the com zone, I have a land card in the upper right, but I can’t make it go to the board. The ? Doesnt seem to work. \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Long time I had not used the Playtester but just tried it back and it worked. Nothing is automated with it, all actions must be done manually. You can add cards on the battlefield from your hand by double-clicking on the card. You can also drag the cards. You can drag from library to hand if you want to draw a card. So to cast your commander you do the same (double click). This playtester is useful to get an idea whether or not your land count/color balance is enough, manacurve is fine, etc without having to build the actual deck. But since there is no actual gameplay interactions with an opponent board, it wont give you an idea of how well your deck perform, if you need to add more answers, etc. Personnally, the best way to playtest is to play games against your opponents. But, I often also just proxy cards I don't have and do 1:1 games alone and figuring what are the best play I would do on both sides. It gives a better idea how the deck perform. Also, proxying cards at the playtesting stage is a great way to use your money smartly. Sometimes on paper a card seems a good fit for a deck, but playtesting can prove the contrary. I often spare myself to spend couple bucks on singles by doing so. Hoping I understood your question right and that my answer can be of any help!\n"}]}