{"ops":[{"insert":"Hello, I am thinking of rebuilding\n"},{"insert":{"card-link":"Meren of Clan Nel Toth"}},{"insert":", by adding red into\n"},{"insert":{"card-link":"Kresh the Bloodbraided"}},{"insert":". I have had a list floating around for a bit, but need to cut about ~40 cards or so. The deck list is "},{"attributes":{"link":"https://archidekt.com/decks/27"},"insert":"here"},{"insert":". It will play similar to Meren, but not too reliant on my own graveyard like Meren. I can play with other peoples graveyard to avoid graveyard hate which wasn't something Meren wasn't great at. I am even looking to swap for other cards. Thanks for the help!\n"}]}
Edited 5/22/2019, 12:32:54 AM
{"ops":[{"insert":"\"Wasn't something Meren wasn't good at.\"\n"}]}
{"ops": [{"insert": "Ooh, I can see Kresh lending himself very well to a Meren-esque deck - plus having access to red is always nice. I'll take a peek at the decklist once I'm home and leave a comment on the decklist"}]}