New layout is useless

{"ops":[{"insert":"So I guess Archidekt just updated and gave the decks a new layout\nIt sucks. It is downright horrible. \nStacks are no longer sorted by alphabet or "},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"anything else useful."},{"insert":"\nCommander is now on the left, which is odd but acceptable.\nOverall, the layout feels much more cramped.\n"}]}

(Archidekt Moderator)
3 years{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi, everyone. First of all, we sincerely appreciate all of the feedback offered in this thread. We pushed out an update a couple of hours ago that fixed the bugs with stack sorting and the drag and drop feature. We also tweaked the margins significantly so that the page shouldn't feel as cramped (i.e. more horizontal room for columns). We've posted "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"a changelog"},{"insert":" detailing exactly what was in this update and why. We'd appreciate you taking a look at the adjustments we've made and leaving any further feedback you have over there. "},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n\n"},{"insert":"I apologize to anyone frustrated with the changes. They were made with the best of intentions and we do believe in the premise of a lot of what we've done and what it could mean for future options. That said, we clearly missed the mark initially with some of the dials. We can't promise we'll always be able to satisfy everyone, but we certainly do our best to get back on track when we veer off course. Thank you for your voices and patience."},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"}]}
Edited 2/25/2022, 6:32:38 PM
{"ops":[{"insert":"I have to agree.\nI mainy dislike 2 things:\nSorting on CMC does not sort from lowest to highest left to right. (I have a big monitor so all cmc's used to fit in a neat row so I could see the curve that way instead of in a graph)"},{"attributes":{"list":"ordered"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"The cards dissapear under some sort of filter when you hover over a card above it. (Not a deal breaker but I loved how archidekt felt like building a deck in paper this takes away from that quite a bit)."},{"attributes":{"list":"ordered"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Another really minor thing the commander on the right felt better imo.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Alphabet sorting is broken.\nLost a column. Used to display 5 columns wide on my chromebook, now only 4 and one is the commander. so now there is additional scrolling and it's difficult to focus. \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Agreed; I have encountered several issues:\n\nStacks marked \"not in deck\" were mixed in with stacks \"in deck\""},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Maybeboard (not in deck) was positioned below the rest of the stacks in the middle of the screen (not to the right) and required scrolling past everything else to see (was using a smaller laptop display when I encountered this one). Stacks marked not \"in deck\" should always remain separate from the rest."},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"The new, smaller \"background\" area and the extra padding between stacks "},{"attributes":{"italic":true,"bold":true},"insert":"severely "},{"insert":"limits the useable space compared to the previous layout, especially egregious on a large desktop monitor. If this was a change to be more accessible for touch input, "},{"attributes":{"italic":true,"bold":true},"insert":"please "},{"insert":"allow us to turn it off in user settings."},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"}]}
Edited 2/24/2022, 6:25:49 PM

(Common Patron)
3 years{"ops":[{"insert":"Edit: Thanks for increasing the max width!\n"},{"attributes":{"strike":true},"insert":"This update is a dealbreaker for me. Why limit the width? Is there a max column display that I'm missing in the settings? I don't remember how many columns displayed before on my 2560px monitor (10 if I had to guess) but it was a rarity to have multiple categories in a column."},{"insert":"\n\n"},{"attributes":{"strike":true},"insert":"Hopefully this can be reverted. This was the main advantage over Moxfield."},{"insert":"\n"}]}
Edited 2/25/2022, 11:35:16 PM
{"ops":[{"insert":"Agreed. Hopped on today hoping to get some theorycrafting done and just can't function under the new layout. Changing what set a card is from makes it jump around in the list. Just a pain to navigate through. Guess I'll try again later and hope this gets fixed.\n"}]}