Mono-Green Storm

{"ops":[{"insert":"This is a mono-green storm deck I built, that isn't Aeve, I don't believe hes that powerful to have him go. I built the whole deck around Marwyn, and general card draw, and untapping effects.\n\nThe deck can be budget for 300, its only 500 cause of the Mana Crypt I stuck in there, and it can be 1v1 legal too without it. Also no Sol Ring.\n\nHeres the deck! Try it out for yourself, and impress and fool your friends that its an elf deck disguised as a storm deck!\n\n"},{"attributes":{"link":",_The_Green_Storm"},"insert":",_The_Green_Storm"},{"insert":"\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"12 Elves in the 99 feels too low for a Marwyn deck. You're limiting the number of triggers she can get. Any card that counts the number of elves in play will also suffer from the low number of Elves in your deck.\n\n\nMarwyn makes infinite mana with Sword of the Paruns as long as her power is 4 or more.\n\n\nI like Snakeskin Veil better than Blossoming Defense because the 1/+1 counter sticks with you.\n\n\nMaskwood Nexus would turn your various Storms into Elf Storm. \n\n\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"I think I'll put snakesking veil in. Over heroic intervention, lowering the curve is always good\n\nThere just needs to be way to keep drawing, her creature count doesn't need to be too crazy, cause I'll be drawing into a majority of the deck once she's pumped.\n"}]}