[Builder] Sort option for price ranges (Archived)

Jeremy avatarJeremy 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Under the Views/Sort menu, the second setting dictates how your deck is separated into stacks. This proposed feature would add an option for organizing your deck into stacks based on set price ranges. The proposed price ranges include $0-$1, 1-5, 5-10, 10-20, 20-50, 50-100, and $100+. \n\nIf this proposed feature is of interest to you, give the thread a thumbs-up and leave your thoughts below! User interest in each feature will help us prioritize in development.\n\n"},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"This feature has been implemented as of "},{"attributes":{"bold":true,"link":"https://archidekt.com/news/2525312/1"},"insert":"Update"},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"."},{"insert":"\n"}]}
Edited 3/29/2022, 4:27:03 AM
Statue avatarStatue 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Love this idea!\nCan we do the same for salt score stacks as well?\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"I would love this, and I would also add if we can remove basic lands from adding to the salt score total. It seems weird that a mono blue budget Flying tribal deck is saltier than my Ruric Thar stax deck\n"}]}
ICWiener avatarICWiener 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"I want to mirror Statue's sentiment, please have some way to view a card's salt score in the Builder.\n"}]}
waewren avatarwaewren 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"I like this idea and suggest that additional categories on the low end like 0-$0.25 and $0.25-$1 would be useful for budget builds. A deck full cards in the $1-$5 category is going to be $100-$500 but a deck full of mostly $.25 and below cards might be only $40. On the top end, cards above $20 tend to all be in the “think seriously before buying this card” category (for me) so divisions above $20 aren’t as useful *for me* as divisions at the bottom end.\n\nAlternately, you could have a default set of price divisions that the user could edit, perhaps in the deck settings\n\neg, a user interface like this (user fills in the field between brackets, which comes with a default setting)\n\nPrice splits for sort?: [0.25, 1, 2,5,10,20]\nAnd the app would create a category for all cards that cost equal to or less than the first split, then greater than the first split and less than or equal to the next split, etc etc, and then a final category for all cards above the final number.\n\nI think users would also appreciate integration in the shopping tab. Currently we can buy cards with a certain color tag and it would be really convenient to have the ability to add card cost range categories the same way we can add color tags for purchase: click shopping, add by cost range, click on the 0-$1 category, $1-$5 category, click to add to tcgplayer mass entry. Of course in the meantime a workaround could be manually adding each card in the desired ranges while in the card sort view to the “getting” color tag but integration in the shopping tab would save A LOT of clicks.\n\nYou might want to consider how to handle cards with missing price info like how some reserved list cards default to digital sets (eg tempest remastered) and are $-.- when added to the deck.\n\nCheers and thanks for reading,\n\nMatt\n"}]}
Edited 2/5/2022, 7:36:47 AM
{"ops":[{"insert":"I think this is a great idea! I prefer to do budget builds, so a sort function for the price would be useful. I also recommend to have a price minimizer option for specific cards. It is really annoying to look through every version of a card to find the one which is three cents cheaper.\n"}]}