{"ops":[{"insert":"I'm a huge fan of this site in the short time I've been using it. I feel like it could be a game changer to not just deck building but also the commercial side of MTG.\n\nIf there's a way to do any of these already, please let me know.\n\nI've been adding my EDH decks, 9 so far, and I like to be specific on the cards. I like that I can pick the edition before adding to the deck, but it would be great to also mark as foil or not. I pick a card and add it, then leave the search to click the card and change the type to foil. Then I have to go back into the search again. It's a little nuisance that slows down deck building."},{"attributes":{"list":"ordered"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Add support for non-English cards. A lot of my collection is foreign foils and I like to indicate that to be as accurate as possible."},{"attributes":{"list":"ordered"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Add support for conditions/grades. Allow us to mark a card as lightly played, damaged, etc."},{"attributes":{"list":"ordered"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Add total value for collection. I've been adding my decks to the collection and I'll soon be adding binder cards to the collection. It would be nice to see a running total because who doesn't want an easy way to see what their collection is \"worth\"? Or allow the value data to be exported so another program (Excel) can sum it up."},{"attributes":{"list":"ordered"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Integrate with CK or TCG Player buy list. Not sure they even have that feature but I would think they'd love it to encourage more sales to them while making it easy to sell off extra cards."},{"attributes":{"list":"ordered"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Add friends. I have a few buddies I'm trying to encourage to get on here for deck building and it would be cool to easily access their profiles or decks."},{"attributes":{"list":"ordered"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Value tracking. I know there are other sites that do this, but with all the integration into CK/TCG Player and other pricing sites, track data over time to show cards rising or falling in price."},{"attributes":{"list":"ordered"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Add something where you can indicate cards you want for your collection but don't have yet. Like a Maybeboard but for your entire collection. Or even combine all your decks' Maybeboards into a global one where you can shop based off that. And then allow a user to go to CK/TCGPlayer to purchase that card easily. Those two sites should 100% allow for and encourage that."},{"attributes":{"list":"ordered"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Add an easy way to donate or support the project! You guys have done great work and I'm sure people would love to support the project in some way to keep it going."},{"attributes":{"list":"ordered"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nThese were just a few ideas I've had over the last few days of using the site. I love the work you guys have done here and look forward to building up my decklists and collection over time. Thanks for another great MTG resource!\n\nJake\n\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Well, I found \"Followers\", so it looks like I can follow friends and they can follow me. So that kind of solves #6.\n\nI also found the Patreon in settings. So there is an easy way to support you guys. That's great! That takes care of #9.\n\nSorry about the suggestions that exist - there's just so much to learn about this site because it's so robust already.\n"}]}

{"ops":[{"insert":"I didn't get this far before replying lol. Feel free to ignore #6 & #9 on my other comment 👍\n"}]}

{"ops":[{"insert":"Alrighty Jake, \n\nSorry this took me so long to get to, we've been pretty bombed with email and forum posts this week (which has been awesome) but harder to keep up with than anticipated. I really want to thank you for taking the time to write all of this out! Anyways, I'll take these number to number:\n\n1) Unfortunately there isn't a way to do this from the search right now, but you can do it from the edit modal when adding cards there. We've heard this feedback before though, and we'd love to add a way to do this. \n\n2) Currently we support foreign cards in collections, but not in decks. We'd like to add this too, but just haven't gotten around to it because of the extra overhead it takes to pull down prices, etc.\n\n3) Same as the above, works in the collection management, but not in the deck.\n\n4) Running the math could cause a bit of an issue, since that data is sent in chunks. We allow exporting currently, but I have no idea why we don't allow exporting prices for cards. I'll add a ticket to add this because it's a great idea.\n\n5) Did you have something in mind? Other than just allowing exporting a decklist? Like a one click solution? \n\n6) You can already follow users, you can do so by clicking their name. Check out "},{"attributes":{"link":"src=\"https://storage.googleapis.com/topdekt_storage_bucket/edited/following_a_user.mp4\""},"insert":"this video"},{"insert":" and "},{"attributes":{"link":"https://storage.googleapis.com/topdekt_storage_bucket/edited/followed_decks.mp4"},"insert":"this video"},{"insert":" to see how that works.\n\n7) We've talked about this, just saving prices daily so you could see the value of a deck changing over time. We'd need to store the extra data first. I do really like this idea though so just gotta find the time, and make sure the extra data being stored isn't way more than we anticipate.\n\n8) We kind of have a feature like this, we call it color tags. It's only deck to deck right now, but we'd love to integrate it with your entire collection in the future. Check out "},{"attributes":{"link":"https://storage.googleapis.com/topdekt_storage_bucket/edited/changing_tag_color.mp4"},"insert":"this video"},{"insert":" and "},{"attributes":{"link":"https://storage.googleapis.com/topdekt_storage_bucket/edited/new_color_tag.mp4"},"insert":"this video"},{"insert":" if you want to see more.\n\n9) We have a patreon if you're into that kind of thing. But if that's not your jam then whitelisting us on your adblock is always appreciated too. Other than those things showing people Archidekt is more than enough! Thanks so much!\n\nThank you so much for all the feedback, we really appreciate the time it takes to write out all of your thoughts like this. As we continue to improve the site we're always looking for more feedback, so if you ever have more ideas feel free to hit us up.\n\nCheers,\nMichael (an actual developer)\n\nPS - Sorry about the \"admin\" replying to this, looks like we're growing large enough to get some trolls. We're gonna start looking into building systems that make it easier to manage that kind of stuff. \n"}]}