{"ops":[{"insert":"Hey guys. This question is specifically geared toward people who frequent MTGO, Spelltable, and Discord to play Commander virtually. People in this spectrum often see many different decks all day, and I was wondering how many of you have seen people play Ilharg, the Raze Boar as a commander. I don't play MTG online in any way because my LGS is small and is still open, luckily. I have scoured Youtube for good quality deck-techs of the commander, only really enjoying the one by Mitch (Commander's Quarters.) I feel like Ilharg is an underrated mono-red commander, as many of the top tens for red commanders I have watched never mention him, yet the effect he has is very strong, almost as strong if not stronger than that of Etali, Primal Storm (Who, if you don't know, cheats spells off the top of your library. Being able to cheat in creatures for very powerful ETB triggers, and then return them to hand at the end of the turn makes him have almost a weird flicker effect but in red. If anyone can add some of their stories and experiences with this commander to the thread, I would greatly appreciate it.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Ok buddy\n"}]}