Ability to add custom cards to deck

sydneyw1 avatarsydneyw1 4 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"We should be able to add custom cards to the deck from the add function on the deck builder page. The option to upload a card URL could be used as the method to add the custom card. \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"This is something we bat around every few months, but it always comes down to not having an efficient way to monitor the custom cards users are uploading. While we have no desire to police what alters or custom cards users play with at their kitchen table, there are certain art themes that some Magic players tend to gravitate toward that could be problematic to have on our site. Other than that concern, there are some logistical hoops we'd have to jump through that have not yet seemed worth diverting developer time to hurdling. \n\nThis is definitely not one of the \"hard no\" sort of feature requests, but I would not expect it in the immediate future. I apologize for the disappointing response, but greatly appreciate the suggestion! \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"that is a very valid concern. could we possibly get custom text or \"Placeholder\" kind of thing? like a blank card that we can fill the rules text, type, and mana value for. I and my friends really enjoy homebrewing stuff and building decks around it, so that would be nice to have. \n"}]}
Hombre944 avatarHombre944 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Can you add a mandatory SFW/NSFW tag to help with the custom card feature?\n"}]}