{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi, I have not build this commander ever but will try to help you. First, is when evaluating your deck, I find it lacks some synergies. Like, what your deck seems to do is Sacrifice creatures, recur them, have some triggers upon sacrificing, have opponents sacrifice some creatures. Some of the triggers are getting +1/+1 counters but very fev other cards carring about +1/+1 counters. Not much too from having your opponent sacrificing creatures. Your Commander makes you pay life and gain life, but as far as I've seen not much other cards that cares about those effects.\n\nWhat I usually do when building a new deck, is using Gatherer (are you familiar with it?). Then I may look on Archideckt for others build ideas and on EDHrec. But EDHrec is almost all the time a collection of staples and I find that relying too much on it can result in being too generic and missing good cards for my decks.\n\nSo, using Gatherer to search cards for your deck. Let say we focus on gaining some life since it is what your commander do. From my search \"whenever gain life\", I get Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose, Bloodbond Vampire, Ageless Entity, Sanguine Bond, Scion of the Swarm, Sengir, the Dark Baron, Defiant Bloodlord. Some of these creatures makes you put +1/+1 counters on them when you gain life. So, we may have a the here. Maybe focusing the deck on gaining life and +1/+1 counters? If you go that route, you have many interractions in green with +1/+1 counters (Hardened Scales, Winding Constrictor, Hunger of the Howlpack, Reyan Last of the Abzan, Corpsejack Menace, Inspiring Call. Then you add proliferate and you have a decent +1/+1 counter deck. In yours, you already have Mortican Beetle, LumberKnot and Mycholot that synergize with +1/+1 counters.\n\nI have already searched about cards that interacts with \"paying life\" or matters about you \"losing life\". There is not much, especially in green. So basing your deck on that second commander ability in my opinion is not worth it.\n\nNow, if we focus on another aspect of your deck. Having your opponents sacrificing creatures or having creatures dying. I get, Yahenni, Undying Partisan; Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet, Sangromancer, etc. So far, some Vampires that get triggers for having Creatures that \"dies\", when you \"gain life\" and when an opponent creature dies. So they may be an option for Vampire tribal here. However, there is not much vampire in green. But, there is some place for green if a deck would also care about +1/+1 counters. In addition, there is a few vampires that are free sac outlet (Viscera Seer, Vampire Aristocrat, Bloodflow Connoiseur). Vampires that gains you life (Blood Artist, Falkenrath Noble, ) and vampires that cares about +1/+1 counters. Add Blade of the Bloodchief and Bloddchief Ascencion to that. Going tribal, you can add the lords and artifacts to buff them (Doors of Destinies, Coat of Arms, etc.)\n\nHonestly, with what your commander is all about, going mostly black vampire with a touch of green could work.\n\nThe thing is that there can be a lot of avenues. I can see your deck focusing on filling your graveyard. And the cast Living Death, Haunting Voyage. In black/green you have a lot of self mill nowadays. There is also enough Zombies in black/green to go zombie tribal. I have a Varina Zombie self mill deck. I could see a black/green version of it. The goal is to self mill and sacrifice, then to bring back a lot of zombies with cards like Living Death, Zombie Apocalypse and Haunting Voyage. Then, Gray Merchant of Asphodel can drain for a lot. You also have many free sac zombies. If you bring back cards like Plague Belcher, Nantuko Husk and a lot of other zombies, you can drain your opponents for a lot. So, Zombie tribal is also a good option and maybe a better one since there is more of them in black/green.\n\nLike I said before, I think your deck is trying to do a lot of different things at the same time which in turn dilute the strategies. By focusing it more on one strategy, it should help. I always deckbuild with that vision in mind.\n\nI hope my comments will be helpful. Do not hesitate to ask if you need more help!\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Thx for the advice, and I'll probably add Yahenni and Kalitas at some point in the future when I acquire them.... Would you object to me following you on Archidekt???? I may need help with my other decks as well so I'd prefer to have someone who knows how to build good decks to confer with.... So I appreciate any suggestions that you or anyone else has for making my other decks deadly.\n"}]}