Wrong Initial Printing - Commander Products Categorized As In The Set They Release With?

polpolsnose avatarpolpolsnose 2 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"While playing Commander Codex today, I was wracking my brain (and eventually Scryfall) trying to figure out what the card could possibly be.\n\n"},{"insert":{"image":"https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1080316487241306193/1304855906692890645/image.png?ex=6730e943&is=672f97c3&hm=cc927394419ed69fca69c6d20aa35b47e2af2c963a1e1bb81003c205eeedac42&="}},{"insert":{"image":"https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1080316487241306193/1304857286988005386/image.png?ex=6730ea8c&is=672f990c&hm=8f8be28db20c99bbbe27d81490631f040af7f97fa95df88fd121800415c77761&="}},{"insert":"\nEventually, I took a guess that it might be in the LCI Commander release and found the answer (apologies for the visual shift, I explored every button first lol). This seems incredibly counter-intuitive to me given the difference in the set symbols and the usual categorization of Commander releases being separate.\n\nIs this intentional? If so, there should be a note somewhere on the page, as I didn't expect Clavileno to be an acceptable answer given previous information. \n\n\n\n\n"}]}